Our Warranty
From foundation to finishing, we build quality, attractive custom homes. Our customers know they can come to us with any question –
and that they will receive an honest, solution-based response.
Interior Elite Contracting Ltd. is proud to be a member of the Canadian Home Builders Association. CHBA members represent all facets of the residential construction industry from coast to coast – the thousands of companies and over one million Canadians involved in building, maintaining and improving our homes and communities.
Membership in the CHBA signifies that a company is committed to the things CHBA stands for – building the best new homes and communities, setting a high standard in home renovations, helping consumers get informed so you can make sound housing decisions, and utilizing building and business innovations to provide Canadians with homes they can afford and that meet their housing needs.
What’s Covered Under a Travelers 2-5-10 Year Home Warranty Certificate in British Columbia?
2 Year Material & Labour Warranty
- First 12 months – Coverage for any defect in materials and labour
- First 15 months – Coverage for any defects in materials and labour in the common property of a multi-unit building
- First 24 months – Coverage for any defect in materials and labour supplied for the electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning delivery and distribution systems. In addition, coverage for any defect in materials and labour supplied for the exterior cladding, caulking, windows and doors that may lead to detachment or material damage to the new home
5 Year Building Envelope Warranty
- Coverage for the building envelope for up to five years for defects in the building envelope of a new home, including a defect which permits unintended water penetration such that it causes, or is likely to cause, material damage to the new home.
10 Year Structural Defects Warranty
Coverage for structural defects for up to 10 years for:- Any defect in materials and labour that results in the failure of a load-bearing part of the new home
- A defect that causes structural damage that materially and adversely affects the use of the new home for residential occupancy